Children are the lifeblood of the church
We believe that children need to have every opportunity to learn about and to love serving the Lord. By giving them the tools they need to understand God's word and by providing an example through action, our hope and prayer is that each boy and girl grows into a mature, Christ-follower by the time they become adults. Join us on Sunday morning for Sunday school and Children's Church from 10:00 - 12:00, and Wednesday nights at 7 PM.
Wednesday nights pre-school age kids have Mission Friends. Pre-schoolers will develop an understanding of who God is and how they play a part in His plan for the world. Through engaging activities, games and stories each week, Mission Friends will move from a focus on self to a focus on others. This builds a lasting foundation that helps them grow into the next generation of Christ followers who will fulfill His Great Commission.
Preschoolers can learn about missions through:
-Bible thoughts related to missions
-fun hands-on activities
-mission stories
-cultural learning activities
-sensory activities
-prayer times
-giving offerings
-helping others
Boys and girls ages 6-12 are in a combined class for RA's and GA's. This group is designed for boys and girls to come to faith in Christ as Savior while making missions an important part of their daily lives. They learn what it means to live a missional lifestyle while they participate in Bible studies, missions projects, and engaging activities. They also have a lot of fun as they "travel" to various places around the world when they learn about and pray for the work of missionaries.
Through missions discipleship, children learn to share His love in multiple ways, from collecting school supplies for back-to- school backpacks to passing out water at sports events, from taking a meal to a homebound community member to even sharing a smile or a prayer with someone who needs it.
Children learn:
-a biblical worldview
-ways to demonstrate Christ’s love to others
-how God is working around the world
-their part in God’s plan